Monday, May 30, 2016

When you should pause the debt snowball

Dear Dave: I'm going through a divorce that's about to become final in two weeks. I moved in with my parents temporarily while I save up money to get my own place and start over. I make $30,000 a year, and it looks like I'll have around $43,000 in debt when the divorce is finalized. Should I pause my debt snowball in order to financially get back on my feet again? — Adam

Dear Adam: Yeah, that's what I would do. There are reasons to pause the debt snowball, and one of those can be going through a divorce. Not only are there expenses, but you may end up with payments you don't even expect.

I think the motivation and the heart behind the debt snowball is that you gain momentum and traction, and you do it quickly when you're in a positive emotional position. You may not have that right now, so I think pressing pause and building up for expenses that may come — plus getting your own place — is a good idea.

Just rent the cheapest spot you can as soon as possible. Then, once you get in there and get your life in operational mode again, you'll be ready to rock on!